Kaitiakitanga o te Moana$3,100.00PriceExcluding GST | Shipping to be advisedOil on Canvas - 500mm x 500mm (Framed)Grandmother of the Ocean - Fish II sits in the Waikare Inlet. Still afloat, but slowly being reclaimed by Moana. The forgotten years display the colours of her life. She is shelter for Karoro.QuantityAdd to Cart
Kaitiakitanga o te Moana$3,100.00PriceExcluding GST | Shipping to be advisedOil on Canvas - 500mm x 500mm (Framed)Grandmother of the Ocean - Fish II sits in the Waikare Inlet. Still afloat, but slowly being reclaimed by Moana. The forgotten years display the colours of her life. She is shelter for Karoro.QuantityAdd to Cart